Congo Basin

Good news from the DRC!

The type of environment news that makes the headlines can be disheartening. But when we take a closer look, there are so many positive and inspiring stories – of welcome progress, community triumphs, and conservation success. Here’s some good news you might have missed from our partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). [...]

By |2024-05-23T16:14:44+00:00May 23rd, 2024|Advocacy, Community, Congo Basin, Forests, Indigenous Peoples|Comments Off on Good news from the DRC!

How a small Cameroonian organisation saved 20,000 ha of tropical rainforest

The bad news came through at their weekly team meeting: a new decree (N°2019/4562 of 11 November 2019) had been issued, allocating 60,000 ha of Campo Ma'an forest in southwest Cameroon to CAMVERT, an agro-industrial giant producing and marketing palm oil. The Green Development Advocates (GDA) team sprang into action. This is the story of [...]

By , |2024-04-15T06:38:50+00:00March 6th, 2024|Advocacy, Community, Congo Basin, Forests, Indigenous Peoples|Comments Off on How a small Cameroonian organisation saved 20,000 ha of tropical rainforest

Snapshots from a global biodiversity conference

The world's largest and most important global gathering on biodiversity convened in Montreal, Canada, in December 2022. As the speeches, pledges and media coverage of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties 15 (COP15) fade into memory, we hear from four people who were there. Large, [...]

By |2023-02-20T10:16:36+00:00February 20th, 2023|Advocacy, Biodiversity, Capacity, Congo Basin, Events, Freshwater, Inclusion|Comments Off on Snapshots from a global biodiversity conference

Five success stories from 2022

With the UN  Convention on Biological Diversity’s new agreement dominating conservation headlines, it can be easy to lose sight of the people working every day to protect our planet’s biodiversity on the ground. However, throughout 2022, our partners restored ecosystems, protected endangered species, and collaborated with Indigenous Peoples and local communities to build a [...]

By |2024-04-09T10:13:20+00:00December 21st, 2022|Ailan Awareness, and Inclusion, Biocultural Diversity, Congo Basin, Conservation Optimism, CORAP, Hydropower, Instituto Biotrópicos, MUPAN, Rivers|Comments Off on Five success stories from 2022

Making history: Conservation in the Congo Basin with Bihini Won wa Musiti Jean

When Bihini Won wa Musiti Jean began working in forest conservation in the Congo Basin back in 1982, in Central and Western African regions the idea of conserving nature was still that to preserve wildlife, people had to be kept out of natural areas. This approach has often caused more problems than it has [...]

By , |2024-04-09T10:09:36+00:00December 1st, 2022|Alternative Livelihoods, Congo Basin, Conservation, Indigenous Peoples, Interviews, Protected Areas|Comments Off on Making history: Conservation in the Congo Basin with Bihini Won wa Musiti Jean

My World Conservation Congress was in Kinshasa

Cliquez ici pour lire cet article en français. Merline Touko Tchoko, Cameroonian communications expert and Synchronicity Earth consultant, spent eight days alongside our Congo Basin Programme partners taking part in the first ‘Mini-Congress’ for nature in Kinshasa, timed to coincide with the IUCN World Conservation Congress being held in Marseille. Through the eyes and [...]

By |2024-04-08T11:22:04+00:00September 27th, 2021|Approach, Congo Basin, Events, Indigenous Peoples, IUCN|Comments Off on My World Conservation Congress was in Kinshasa
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