In it for the long haul: Bringing biodiversity to oil-palm country

By |2024-09-19T10:00:23+00:00October 18th, 2023|Approach, Conservation Optimism, Forests, Long term funding, More than Carbon|Comments Off on In it for the long haul: Bringing biodiversity to oil-palm country



By |2024-09-19T10:00:23+00:00October 18th, 2023|Approach, Conservation Optimism, Forests, Long term funding, More than Carbon|Comments Off on In it for the long haul: Bringing biodiversity to oil-palm country

Wildlife corridors through oil palm plantations. Local communities saving the world’s rarest crocodile from extinction. Sweeping new protections for EU seabed. A groundbreaking coalition for amphibian conservation. When conservation organisations have access to flexible, reliable funding, their impact can be revolutionary.

In this series, we look back at major victories facilitated by our long-term, trust-based funding strategy. Beyond the value of multi-year support, these stories prove that local communities have the power to resist destructive industry, protect threatened ecosystems, build their own visions for sustainable development, and restore the living world for the next generation.

How orangutan conservation inspired a paradigm-shifting reforestation project

Malaysian Borneo was once carpeted in 140-million-year-old rainforest—some of the most ancient on Earth. But over the course of the twentieth century, the majority of this was felled for timber, in some of the most aggressive deforestation in history. Today, the landscape has been largely replaced by a swathe of monoculture oil palm plantations, interrupted by occasional islands of surviving forest.

The Kinabatangan river snakes through this scarred landscape. Its