Four conservation stories from 2021 to make you smile

By |2024-12-11T09:58:45+00:00December 16th, 2021|Asian Species, Biocultural Diversity, Conservation Optimism, Freshwater, Indigenous Peoples, Ocean, Rivers, Southeast Asia, Youth|Comments Off on Four conservation stories from 2021 to make you smile

Image: Hutan

Image: Hutan

By |2024-12-11T09:58:45+00:00December 16th, 2021|Asian Species, Biocultural Diversity, Conservation Optimism, Freshwater, Indigenous Peoples, Ocean, Rivers, Southeast Asia, Youth|Comments Off on Four conservation stories from 2021 to make you smile

2021 has presented many challenges for conservation, with COVID-19 continuing to prevent safe engagement with communities, causing delays or cancellations to in-person events, and affecting marginalised communities the hardest. However, our team at Synchronicity Earth continue to be inspired by the resilience and resourcefulness of our partners, who continue to do extraordinary work to protect wildlife all around the world. It is our pleasure to share a small sample of their stories with you to end the year on a note of conservation optimism.

A blessed river

On a ridge next to a wide river, a man and a woman light an arrangement of around thirty yellow candles which have been pushed into an oval-shaped mound of sand.