Waters of life: community action for freshwater conservation

By |2024-04-09T08:09:34+00:00April 9th, 2024|Comments Off on Waters of life: community action for freshwater conservation

By |2024-04-09T08:09:34+00:00April 9th, 2024|Comments Off on Waters of life: community action for freshwater conservation

What do rivers mean to you?

For Hugo Costa, deep in the Amazon, the seasons of the Juruá River can define the food you eat, the journeys you travel, and the people you meet. For Yolarnie Amepou, looking over a vast river delta in Papua New Guinea, ten different cultures have been shaped by the same river which runs 400 kilometres from the highlands down into the sea. For Siziwe Mota, Africa’s rivers are a source of survival, relied upon for food, jobs, spiritual practices, climate, and biodiversity.

On 17 May, Synchronicity Earth held a conversation between these three freshwater conservationists representing partners supported by the programme about the importance of their rivers, the challenges they face in safeguarding them, and the opportunities there are to protect them. Watch the recording >>


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